Chair's Welcome
"Holy Trinity School, governors, staff, parents and children work together in a happy, creative and aspirational environment; with our core values of honesty, kindness, respect and responsibility underpinning everything that we do.
The Governing Body is involved with our school at every level. This includes finance, safeguarding, premises management and staff appointments. As governors, we consider our most important role to be the safety, welfare and education of our pupils.
The children in our school achieve high standards across the curriculum. We are justifiably very proud of them and would like to thank the parents who encourage and support their children so admirably.
Governors are appointed to ensure that objectives are met, and that future planning is both visionary and realistic. We provide strategic direction for the improvement of the school; monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school; and hold the school to account for the standards achieved and the quality of education. We are here to support and encourage our Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and all school personnel to ensure that every one of our children has access to an enriched education and to all the opportunities that they deserve.
The role of the governors is a strategic one in the development of the school, with day to day management and operational issues delegated to the Senior Leadership Team. The three core responsibilities of the Governing Body are:
1. To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the School and its pupils;
2. Ensure clarity of the School’s vision, ethos, values and strategic direction;
3. To oversee the financial performance of the school ensuring its money is well spent.
Additionally, the Governing Body maintains a high focus on Safeguarding and Child Protection in line with DFE guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’, with Safeguarding being a standing agenda item at every Full Governing Body meeting.
Should you wish to contact me to discuss any matter further, I can be reached at"
Best regards
Miss R Quayle
Name: Rachel Quayle Role: Chair of Governors, Designated Safeguarding Lead, SEND. Skills: Teacher, extensive knowledge of education, Safeguarding and Leadership. Ability to work as part of a team and work in a challenging but supportive way. |
Name: Lisa Flett Role: Foundation Governor, Vice Chair of Governors Skills: Project management/ Business development background. Data analysis, risk management and critical thinking abilities. Keen on Children’s wellbeing and education. |
Name: Leigh Waller Role: Foundation Governor, Chair of Standards Committee, SEND & Wellbeing Skills: Teacher, EYFS Leader, knowledge of Early Years and child development. Developing Early Years provision through resourcing, audits, action plans and children’s interests. |
Name: Jennifer Carrier Role: Parent Governor, Chair of Resources Committee, H & S Skills: Legal training, a good business sense, eager to promote children's education and welfare. |
Name: Revd Andrew Griffin Role: Ex Officio Skills: I am the Associate Priest in the Benefice of Christ Church South Ossett and Trinity Church Ossett and Gawthorpe. Ordained in 2018. I am also a chef, i had my own business in catering and hospitality for 24 years. I also worked in Mental Health as Assistant Psychiatric Nurse for five years. I feel very blessed to be part of this community and especially this wonderful school. I look forward to sharing in its bright future, whilst helping assist its spiritual growth. |
Name: Becky Boome Role: Associate Governor Skills: Background in teaching. Love of education and promoting children’s well being and learning. Good understanding of policies, curriculum and procedures. Committed to promoting Christian values. |
Name: Kay Duckett Role: Parent Governor Skills: Extensive Police/Criminal Law background. Keen eye for detail with leadership, resourcing and policy writing/review skills. Eager to promote children's welfare and mental health within the school environment. |
Name: James Page Role: Foundation Governor Skills: Logistics and Supply Chain background, with experience in strategic management and business improvement. I am delighted to be a part of the Holy Trinity team and I’m passionate about ensuring that all its pupils have the opportunity to reach their full potential. |
Name: Nick Hammill Role: Foundation Governor Skills: Background in regulatory compliance within a Local Authority, with experience in service development, investigation and safeguarding. I am keen to promote the school's Christian ethos and to assist the school achieve its aims and ambitions. |
Name: Matthew Rhodes Role: Foundation Governor Skills: Background in teaching and learning. Class teacher. Like to read and have a keen interest in sports. Motivated to achieve and support. |