Juniper Education

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'When the word of God is planted in a good heart, good things will be produced in that person’s life.' The Parable of the Sower

“A very warm welcome to our website! We hope that it will provide you with a good insight into our vibrant, happy and successful school.

Holy Trinity CE Primary School is a thriving community with big ambitions. As a staff team, we are fully committed to ensuring that all children reach their potential and have plenty of opportunities so that we can 'Grow Together'.  We model what excellence looks like across our curriculum and pride ourselves on the outcomes and achievements of all of our pupils. We continue to work hard to ensure that our families feel part of this important journey. Our partnerships with parents and carers are at the centre of everything we do. Through regular newsletters, inspire days, family events and celebrations, we work hard to ensure that families and staff work hand in hand.

By embedding our core values and placing an emphasis on early reading, oracy and language development, we ensure that children are fit and ready for their future and for life beyond the primary school. Our high expectations combined with our caring and nurturing relationships, makes us a great school for children to learn and achieve. Firm in our belief that children come first, we strive to ensure that all pupils at Holy Trinity feel happy and safe.  We actively promote independence, confidence and teamwork so that our children can become leaders of the future.

I hope this website provides you with all the information you need, however if you do require any more information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. Alternatively, follow us on Twitter!”

Mr J Wood 


At Holy Trinity, we offer an inclusive curriculum where everyone can grow to gain the wisdom, self-worth, resilience & confidence to enable them to be the best they can be. We strive to be at the centre of the local community with positive links to wider and global communities. Our Christian ethos teaches the importance of strong relationships, where we value and respect the uniqueness of others. Together everyone can grow to find their place in the world.