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Read Write Inc Phonics

The school follows the Read Write Inc phonics scheme.  Every child has access to a phonics lesson every morning and a ‘speeds sounds’ session every afternoon.  We operate 1:1 tuition intervention every afternoon for those children who we have identified, through our regular assessments, need to ‘keep up not catch up’.  We also use the phonics session to develop children’s expertise in handwriting, which is supported by additional practise within the Upper Foundation day.  Lower Foundation children work every day on activities that concentrate on developing their speaking and listening skills, phonological awareness and oral blending and segmenting, in addition to Read Write Inc nursery recommendations.  We also continue this focus in Upper Foundation with targeted children who need continued practise with these skills, in order to progress on their reading journey.


The Magic of Reading

We love books in Foundation stage and immerse the children in story, rhyme and non-fiction throughout our day to develop an early love of reading.

Every day in Upper Foundation we have a planned story session. Over the course of the year we explore traditional tales, old favourites, RSHE focus books, diverse characters, poetry and rhyme and teacher favourites!  We teach new vocabulary introduced by each text and explore favourite phrases, characters and story themes.  Each week we have an ‘invitation to learning’ linked to our focus story so we can retell and apply our skills in provision.

We have an amazing reading area in our classroom that is regularly updated with a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  Children have access to multiple copies of our ‘Magic of Reading books.  We display books throughout our setting that link to our current topics and areas of provision and love to see our children choosing to read throughout the school day!